Monday, January 6, 2014

Enforce Your Decree

Far too often I am contacted by someone who has been taking manipulation from their ex regarding their divorce decree. The problem is that the manipulation usually is permitted because they are trying to be nice or trying to make sure their child(ren) gets to see the other parent.  This manipulation often can be abusive as one side feels that they are constantly giving and not getting anything in return.  Frustration has finally reached the point where I the lawyer am being contacted to try and resolve the issue.  This is good for my business.  I file a  motion, get paid, and show up in curt to argue. 

There is a simpler solution -- stick to the terms of your divorce decree.  Enforce what is written and ordered by the Court. If changes need to be made that are not temporary, then have the divorce decree modified, but as soon as you start agreeing to change the enforcement of the divorce decree, you have just walked into a wall of potential problems.  These problems are going to cost you time, money, and frustration.

In short, enforce your divorce decree.  It is worth it in the long run.

For more information go to

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